West Yorkshire playhouse costume

Visiting the Yorkshire playhouse's costume department kind of confirmed a few things to me about what direction I want my work to be going in, I have felt that this was slightly out of my control which sounds ridiculous but by looking at what really inspires me I realised this.
......... Objects that have been made for the stage have a certain aesthetic, they bear the makers mark for practical purposes, they are made to be durable pieces, sometimes realistic, sometimes not.

When looking at the way the golden reef (top image) has been assembled it is telling that the piece is costume from the visible string, the use of leatherette and the adjustable size of it. I like the way it is bound together and realised that when looking for fabrics it is the unique input of the maker that I am most interested in. A naivety or novices approach to making. Finding unfinished embroidery pieces and unusual stitches are telling that the piece has been handmade. For a purpose. This is where I will focus my work towards when sourcing fabrics.

Also included are some images of possible wardrobe choices for a photo shoot.